New Year’s Resolutions!

So, it’s that time of year again 🙂 Yep, it’s time to take stock of where we are, and where we’d like to be by the end of the year. I think our resolutions usually fall into the following categories – health/fitness, finances, personal development and family – at least, mine usually seem to!

This is the first time that I’ve really sat down and put my goals ‘out there’. I think it’s going to give me some motivation and accountability, to have them set down in writing.

I aim to use this site as a personal one, kept separate from my businesses. It’s going to be a journal, I suppose – since my memory isn’t what it used to be, I’d like to jot down special times and memories with my girls, to be able to go back and look at them in years to come.

Whilst Facebook and other social media sites are good for getting short bursts of information out to friends and family, I think things tend to get lost over time. I realise that Facebook’s Timeline update hopes to change all that, but at least the info here is mine, and I can take it with me 🙂

Anyway, back to goals! My first goal is, like many other people, related to my fitness. I have (shock horror) let myself go a bit over the past 6 months, to the point where I really feel that I have to do something!

So, here it is:

Current Weight: 81.7kg
Proposed Weight: 70kg
Goal Date:  2nd April 2012 (which is 12 weeks from today).

I have some clothes (my St John duty pants, for one) that are getting a wee bit tight, so when they fit properly again, I’ll be pretty happy 🙂

I will be posting on a Monday with my progress in this area, so any encouragement / gentle nudging is most appreciated!

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  • Go go go Jacob!!! You can do it.

    Love your website tag line, by the way 🙂

  • Claudine

    You Can Do IT!!! 🙂

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