Not quite the ‘flying start’ I was hoping for!

As promised last week, I will be posting regularly about my progress with my various New Year resolutions. I realise that I have yet to put more on, but I’d really like to sit down and consider them carefully, to make sure I’m moving in the right direction, and doing things for the right reasons.

Obviously, one of my primary goals is to get back down to 70 kg. Yep, I’ve been there in the past, and I remember feeling great for it, so I want to get back there!

So, how did I go over the past week? Well, in a nutshell, I went from 81.7 kg to 81.9 kg.

A gain of 200g.

I was pretty frustrated with that result, as I’ve been very good about going to gym (every day except Sunday), and doing at least 5km on the treadmill, plus some upper and lower body exercises.

At least I got my Mayorship of Zap Fitness back on FourSquare (, so there was one positive 🙂

In all seriousness, I am feeling better for making the effort, even though it hasn’t translated to the scales yet. I will continue to persist, as I know the end result will be worthwhile, but a good start would have been nice.

Perhaps it was the Pork Spare Ribs on Saturday night, and the homemade scones yesterday?

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